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An interactive album app that remixes Philip Glass’ music.


Inspired by the collaborative relationship of composer Philip Glass and international performer Beck, producer Hector Castillo assembled a collection of remixes of Glass' works by a list of critically-acclaimed artists.

Beck asked us to help release the album as an iOS app for mobile and tablet to give a visual dimension to this tribute album. The challenge was interpreting the music in a visual manner that suited each track while leveraging the interactivity of the platform.


REWORK_ (Philip Glass Remixed) is an interactive tour through Glass’ REWORK_ album.
Using an iphone or iPad, users can remix the original work and create their own compositions based on Glass’ early music.

Real-time analysis of the Midi tracks produces dynamic visualizations in the form of responsive animations. The user can visually remix of the songs to accentuate their graphical expression. The result is a beautiful synthesis of sound and image that feels in character with Glass’ experimental process.   

The album included music by Beck, Amon Tobin, Cornelius, Dan Deacon, Johann Johannsson, Memory Tapes, Nosaj Thing, Silver Alert, Ty Braxton, Pantha du Prince, My Great Ghost, and Peter Broderick.


Snibbe Studio


Beck, Phillip Glass.


Working with Snibbe Studio, I designed the interactive graphics for tracks by Nosaj Thing and Tyondai Braxton. My approach was bring analog qualities in terms of line, texture, and color, to an otherwise digital experience.